Many visitors to Madeira consider making a home here, as the island has such a lot to offer.
A mild climate, a simple way of life, low crime rate, lots of fresh air and unspoiled nature, and a low cost of living compared to the rest of Europe. Land is still relatively affordable for such a small island, and so many ex-pats choose to build their own home.
The recent European investment in improved roads and the amazing tunnels that cut through the island, have transformed Madeira. A journey that used to take several hours can now be done in less than an hour. There are now many examples of improved leisure facilities on the island as well as the enlarged airport at Santa Cruz, just fifteen minutes drive from the capital, Funchal.
It is really essential to speak Portuguese if you are planning to live here, and you will find the locals are very helpful and friendly if you make an effort with their language.
Whether you want to invest in a holiday home today, or create a sunny place to retire to in the future, you will need help to decipher the maze of bureacracy on the island.
Your place in the sun is waiting...
Eigenheim, Grundstücke, Time Sharing, Landerwerb, |